Lifecycle for product support
Product support Lifecycle policy for Workspace can be found here
Concerning supported platforms
Here at Add-On Products we value our customers and want to make sure that your purchased product works properly and is covered with the maintenance you need.
Add-On Products follow the Microsoft Support Lifecycle, which means that platforms fall out of support over time. However, If you use a Microsoft platform product which has lost its mainstream support, we want to make sure you are aware that it may still be possible to include these in your maintenance program.
In case you are using a Microsoft platform products, which are out of mainstream support, you will need to purchase extra coverage to include these in your maintenance agreement. Please contact your reseller or us directly for extended support pricing.
Version 4.4.1003 Hotfix 2 (March 27, 2025)
Production date: March 25, 2025.
Released for Android and iOS Devices
View Revision history for DS Service for a compatible server
- Bug fixes and stability improvements were made.
Bug 414793
Version 4.4.1002 Hotfix 1 (February 28, 2025)
Production date: February 25, 2025.
Released for Android and iOS Devices
View Revision history for DS Service for a compatible server
- Fixed an issue with the Microsoft Intune App Protection policies
Feature 411559
Version 4.4.1001 RTM (February 7, 2025)
Production date: January 20, 2025.
Released for Android and iOS Devices
View Revision history for DS Service for a compatible server
- Posibility to Displayed user restrictions when creating a new reservation for a resource.
Feature 249253 - Extended the "Find Colleague" feature to include attendees lists of pooled resources.
Feature 339976 - Added support for different font sizes on iPhone and Android.
Feature 353075 - Updated the user interface of the Workspace app, including the reservation frame, the My Reservations list, and the Date Picker, with a more modern design.
Feature 362326, 391768, 388549, 391455, 391496, 387945, 391768, 388940 - Introduced functionality to create resource incidents, give feedback, and report issues with booked resources.
Feature 378741 - Removed the ability to delete reservations that are in progress or in the past.
Feature 385532 - Improved filtering and searching capabilities.
Feature 387942 - Enabled resource searches via the keyboard, defaulting to show the list of all resources.
Feature 389352 - Enhanced flexibility for resource confirmation, now configurable per resource.
Feature 391291 - Implemented various bug fixes and stability improvements.
Bug 248476, 244589, 343260, 343365, 368397, 381278, 391318, 400429, 397836, 280499, 285684, 305038
Version 4.3.7005 hotfix 23 (December 4, 2024)
Production date: November 13, 2024.
Released for Android and iOS Devices
View Revision history for DS Service for a compatible server
- Intune App Protection Conditional Access (CA) Support: Implemented support for Conditional Access for iOS and Android.
Feature 392079 - Fixed an issue where the app kept prompting for a new password after the user's password was changed.
Bug 388164
Version 4.3.7004 service release 3 (July 3, 2024)
Production date: June 28, 2024
Released for Android and iOS Devices
View Revision history for DS Service for a compatible server
- Added phone, mobile phone, and title to the Find Colleague list.
Feature 247004 - Display AD user picture when looking at a occupied resource from the floor map.
Feature 247076 - Optimized performance and communication by caching floor plan images.
Feature 248676 - Updated user interface for the [New] command for easier Resource Type selection.
Feature 343765 - Display AD user picture when looking at a occupied resource from the floor map.
Feature 344064 - Updated user interface for the setting dialog.
Feature 347588 - Optimized user interface for the location tree.
Feature 351972 - Verify if users' Graph Tokens are expired and ask for a new login if necessary (default expiry time is 90 days).
Feature 352760 - Changed the icon of upcoming reservations.
Feature 381147 - The triangle icon on My Reservation has been updated.
Bug 351165 - When creating a new reservation, the default start and end times have now been corrected to follow the time rule from the resource type.
Bug 352809 - Bug fixes and stability improvements were made.
Bug 375992
Version 4.3.6004 hotfix 17 (November 2, 2023)
Production date: November 1, 2023
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with DS Service version and newer
- Time zone conversion related to Android version 14 was not functioning correctly.
Bug 360724 - Reading configuration when reopening the app from the background sometimes results in a fault.
Bug 360726 - Reading the default (last) resource location sometimes results in a fault.
Bug 360847, 360880 - Bug fixes and stability improvements were made.
Bug 347028
Version 4.3.6003 hotfix 14 (September 18, 2023)
Production date: August 14, 2023
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with DS Service version and newer
- The 'Find Colleague' function was not working.
Bug 347633, 349551, 349780 - Issues were encountered when creating and deleting reservations when integrated with Resource Central.
Bug 348776, 348780 - There were sporadic issues when scanning QR codes.
Bug 349554, 349703 - The display showed the wrong date format when locations were closed.
Bug 349800 - Bug fixes and stability improvements were made.
Bug 347028
Version 4.3.6001 service release 2 (June 29, 2023)
Production date: June 1, 2023
This release note is also used for ver. 4.3.6000.1
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with DS Service version and newer
- Adding reservation to own Calendar (default values) for Resource Types
Feature 276919 - Simplifying the user interface for "Confirm," "Cancel Meeting," and "Release Resource"
Feature 280480, 316775 - Automatically receiving new system configuration from the server when updating system configuration
Feature 286677 - Updating the user interface for the reservation dialog
Feature 287873, 316953, 331583 - Enabling the Find Colleague function to search for Active Directory values such as department, job title, company name, office location, and state of colleagues
Feature 287875, 322050, 320158, 318125, 317817, 317141, 275639, 323049, 320643, 310815, 310806, 331513 - Introducing a new user interface for selecting categories, including icons and subcategories when integrated into RC
Feature 289780 - Extending the Resource Agenda functionality to enable location-based searches and easily find available resources
Feature 289855 - Replacing a resource with another one in an existing reservation
Feature 298002 - Using the wording Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday in My Reservation view
Feature 310343 - Adding the function to "Add Person" to a reservation as an option on Resource Type
Feature 315777, 265096 - Enhancing the Resource Agenda function to display a list of all resources of the same type at a specific location
Feature 319065, 317857, 316280, 326487, 317779 - Adding a filter for capacity
Feature 329713, 331529 - Supporting the use of "And/Or" when searching for resources using categories
Feature 330166 - Setting Monday as the default first day of the week (instead of Sunday)
Feature 339583 - Various bug fixes and improvements
Bug 31713, 3171261, 317134, 323046, 259090, 320675, 317366, 331702, 331584
Version 4.3.3005.16 hotfix 5 (June 15, 2022)
Production date: June 1, 2022
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with DS Service version and newer
- Support for "All day" reservations
Feature 296151, 299247 - Using Microsoft Authenticator service broke to do the Single Sign On
Feature 290759 - Close Location or Resource (when running Resource Central integration)
Feature 307387 - Support for overlapping reservations
Feature 290802 - Change the color of colleague reservation when using Find Colleague function
Feature 293502 - Time zone was not correct when updating reservation from Door Sign
Bug 306940 - Workspace fails with special characters in smtp
Bug 290751 - Various bug fixes and improvements
Bug 292794, 300920, 301669
Version 4.3.2001.8 service release 1 (December 7, 2021)
Production date: December 7, 2021
Please see What's new in Workspace version 4.3 service release 1
- Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with DS Service version and newer
- Add Floorplan view to existing reservations
Feature 244497, 271041, 285798 - User interface to select a Date and Time has been updated
Feature 257233 - Confirmation must only be possible x minutes before the planed start time
Feature 264495 - Option to require the Confirmation (Check-in) to scan the QR code
Feature 273254, 285128, 287254, 287613 - Confirmation of a reservation not nessecarry if it has just been created using a QR code.
Feature 284351 - New in Resource Type, now possible to create a customized Time Rule
Feature 285127, 285251 - New reservation button, for same look and feel as Microsoft Outlook app
Feature 285648, 289695 - Updates for Intune deployment and app protection policies
Feature 286158, 287610 - Hide a Resource or a Location for Workspace app
Feature 286965 - Updatede userinterface for the Settings dialog
Feature 287574 - Various bug fixes and improvements
Bug 284862, 285993, 286140, 283891, 285799, 287097, 287583, 290726, 286920 - Small user interface adjustment
Bug 286828, 286882
Version 4.3.0007.2 hotfix 1 (September 23, 2021)
Production date: September 16, 2021
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with Digital Sign Service Server version and newer
- Update for Microsoft Intune deployment and Single Sign On
Updated 273040, 279698
Version 4.3.0006.9 (August 24, 2021)
Production date: August 16, 2021
Please see What's new in Workspace Booking version 4.3
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with DS Service version and newer
- Support for integration to Resource Central v. or above, (Permission, Delegate, Floorplan, Categories and more)
Feature 266345, 276905, 276958, 273039, 274003, 271470, 265927, 270484 - Use parameter Workspace.TrimLocation to show location path value in Outlook as in Resource Central
Feature 276967 - Use parameter Workspace.UseRCFreeBusyColorOnFloormaps to apply color from Resource Central
Feature - Deployment of Workspace Booking app using Microsoft Intune
Feature 273040, 279698 - Location tree user interface has been approved
Feature 279580, 279431 - Small User interface improvement
Feature 275536 - Security updates
Updated 278144 - Optimized for better performance
Updated 271710 - Remove the secret body tag when reservation is made as a meeting request
Bug 270158 - Resource with a Delegate functionality, must be editable while it is TENTATIVE
Bug 271191 - Not able to do New Reservation from Workspace app
Bug 275722 - Reminder email, permission to Cancel reservation
Bug 275973 - Display recurring reservation with no end date wrongly
Bug 277066 - Appointment organizer changes from Free to Busy, reset other values
Bug 277085 - Workspace French text correction
Bug 277940 - Open "TENTATIVE" (newly created) reservation, show a wrong error message
Bug 279201 - Green occupied spots, are very slowly removed when navigation between two floor maps
Bug 283022
Version 4.2.7000.4 hotfix 5 (July 26, 2021)
Production date: July 21, 2021
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with Digital Sign Service Server version and newer
- User interface error using Android in dark theme
Bug 278947 - Missing translations and misspelled French text have been updated
Bug 277940 - Minor bug fixes
Bug 279066, 278880
Version 4.2.6000.5 hotfix 3 (May 28, 2021)
Production date: May 7, 2021
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with Digital Sign Service Server version and newer
- Possibility from the server side to remove the “Find Colleague” from the Workspace Booking app user interface. Parameter name: Workspace.ShowFindColleague
New 271177 - Time zone in Outlook is now correct after doing a reservations from the Workspace Booking app (on-prem Exchange server)
Fixed 272026 - Upload background image on the floorplan
Fixed 271201 - Other fixes and improvements.
Fixed 270688, 271200, 268914, 271240
Version 4.2.5003.8 hotfix 1 (March 18, 2021)
Production date: March 3, 2021
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with Digital Sign Service Server version and newer
- GDPR layer, which will enable the possible to hide the specific location on your colleague’s reservations. This complies to the European GDPR law. (This is a Server-side setting).
New 264673 - Information box about the selected resources now visible when searching by keyboard (previously only visible when using Floorplan)
New 264672, 264669 - Support for rotating the screen (Landscape/Portrait mode)
New 264681 - Find Colleague function, display incorrect appointments when searching for a specific date
Fixed 265519, 263635 - Creating new appointment from the Resource Agenda function, did in some situations suggest a wrong end time
Fixed 265466 - Decline access to the camara on Android, result in an error
Fixed 264132 - Recurring settings in New reservation function, was wrongly removed when selecting a resource afterwards
Fixed 263734 - New reservation function suggested incorrect default time when choosing date in the future
Fixed 259599, 263733 - Improves the app usability
Fixed 265080, 264567, 264465, 263743
Version 4.2.4002.1 (January 18, 2021)
Production date: January 15, 2021
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with Digital Sign Service Server version and newer
- Floorplan pictures will now be autofitted on smartphones and there’s support for SVG images to improve scaling.
New 242524 - Improved interface for users to confirm reservations in Workspace Booking app
New 242071 - Now displaying icons instead of empty lists in Workspace app
New 241838 - Set reservations as "Show as" when created in Workspace Booking app
New 236353 - Support for recurring reservations in Workspace Booking app
New 237739 - Various bug fixes and improvements
Version 4.1.6004.5 (October 10, 2020)
Production date: October 9, 2020
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with Digital Sign Service Server version 4.01 and newer
- Update for iOS 14.
Fixed - Bug fixes and minor improvements.
Version 4.1.6003.2 (September 30, 2020)
Production date: September 30, 2020
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with Digital Sign Service Server version 4.01 and newer
- Add the location text to the resource name when displaying a resource
New 236888, 247463 - Support Office-365 sign-in and multi-factor authentication
New 239126, 247869, 248027 - Small bug fixes and Enhancements.
Fixed 247864
Version 4.1.5001.2
Production date: June 25, 2020
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with Digital Sign Service Server version 4.01 and newer
- Supports French language
New 240006 - Support for on-prem Exchange Server
New - Lost background image icon when finding location
Fixed 240009 - Support for none default server port 80
Fixed 239697 - Various bug fixes and improvements
Version 4.1.3002.2 (June 12, 2020)
Production date: June 11, 2020
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with Digital Sign Service Server version 4.01 and newer
- User Interface issues have been fixed
Fixed - Various small bug fixes and improvements
Version 4.1.3001.17 (June 1, 2020)
Production date: May 27, 2020
Released for Android and iOS Devices
Compliant with Digital Sign Service Server version 4.01 and newer
- Initial release for Android and iPhone
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