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Revision history for RealTime Service

Modified on Mon, 23 Sep at 10:42 AM

Lifecycle for product support

Product support Lifecycle policy for RealTime Service can be found here

Concerning supported platforms

Here at Add-On Products we value our customers and want to make sure that your purchased product works properly and is covered with the maintenance you need.

Add-On Products follow the Microsoft Support Lifecycle, which means that platforms fall out of support over time. However, If you use a Microsoft platform product which has lost its mainstream support, we want to make sure you are aware that it may still be possible to include these in your maintenance program.

In case you are using a Microsoft platform products, which are out of mainstream support, you will need to purchase extra coverage to include these in your maintenance agreement. Please contact your reseller or us directly for extended support pricing.

Version (September 17, 2024)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0029.0015 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version and

  • Rearchitecting of reading Exchange reservation deletions/cancellations
    Fixed 373800
  • Support of Reservation Priority (Resource Central 4.3 Service Release 3 feature)
    Feature 385767

Version (August 13, 2024)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0029.0015 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version and

  • Mailbox/Calendar Access Rights support (Replacing Impersonation rights which are phased out on new Exchange Tenants and future decommissioning on existing.)
    Feature 368076
  • Push Notifications encrypted with HTTPS
    Feature 372770

Version (March 22, 2023)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0029.0015 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version and

  • Periodical huge memory consumption
    Fixed 363358/364019
  • Groupmembership index change to improve performance when writing groupmemberships
    Fixed 366620
  • Increase of default time for SQL time out
    Fixed 366621
  • Insert incorrect data of Reservation when change time of recurring
    Fixed 349371
  • Mail trace in RTM when using RC notification service
    Fixed 362114

Version (November 8, 2023)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0029.0015 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version and

  • Handling of time out issues leading to missing reservation synchronization (43242/43469/43772)
    Fixed 352221
  • Subscription issue (42886)
    Fixed 349500
  • Resource Data synch memory consumption issue
    Fixed 353710
  • Multiroom booking - cancelled order when changing meeting time
    Fixed 352968

Version (August 21, 2023)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0029.0015 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version and

  • Fixed slowness in subscribing to resources found in 34.4 version
    Fixed 348583

Version (June 13, 2023)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0029.0015 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version and

  • Apply Modern Authentication for Remote Powershell with Exchange Online. Enables MFA for Remote Powershell. See Step 10 in  How to set up Realtime Service with Modern Authentication for reconfiguration needs before upgrade
    Feature 334786
  • Handling special character ? in group description leading to Database read issue
    Fixed 337681

Version (March 29, 2023)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0006.0001 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version and

  • Improvements to Group Synchronization with Nested Groups
    Feature 331523
  • Groups cannot be retrieved when same email is connected to multiple AD-users (23082) 
    Fixed 324859
  • WTC meetings are shown as double 
    Fixed 308751

Version (February 6, 2023)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0006.0001 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version and

  • Send Resource Reservation Body information to Resource Central
    Feature 327029
  • Skip appointments - Wrong cancelling of reservations for UTC+9 (22337)
    Fixed 317977
  • Update to Extended Protection gives issue with NTLMv1 network authentication
    Fixed 328933
  • RTS does not create appointments on SP's calendar
    Fixed 326948
  • User search is empty if multiple AD users share the same e-mail address
    Fixed 328285
  • Deleted series in Exchange Central are not removed
    Fixed 328409
  • Exchange Central synchronization stops (23920)
    Fixed 330087

Version (October 12, 2022)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0006.0001 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version and

  • Fullsync - Orders are randomly being cancelled if RTS exceeds throttling limit
    Bug 317977 (22337), 319894
  • Exchange Central - Meeting invites are shown twice
    Bug 308751
  • RBWA - Creation of new recurring meeting is pushed into the next date under very specific circumstances 
    Bug 316892
  • RBWA - Create meeting AllDay incorrectly
    Bug 316895

Version (June 15, 2022)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0006.0001 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version, and

  • Replacement of Original subject with Organizer name before sending data to Resource Central. New setting in RealTime Manager
    Feature 306425
  • Improved handling of local storage file in case of RC database connection issue
    Bug 298261

Version (May 24, 2022)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0006.0001 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version, and

  • Full Synch - Changing resources on Series starting in the past leads to deleted reservations
    Bug 306346

Version (May 2, 2022)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0006.0001 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version, and

  • RC History missing data for created line
    Bug 299009
  • Missing update of ChangedTS leads to missing reservations
    Bug 304741
  • Exchange Delegate scenario results in a false delete notification
    Bug 301554

Version (March 1, 2022)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0006.0001 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version, and

  • Handling of Exchange Online falsely signaling deleted reservations leading to cancelled reservations and orders (Exchange delegate related)
    Feature 277904, 297147
  • Person look up in AD fails when using linked mailboxes
    Bug 295841
  • Workspace app fails with special characters in smtp
    Bug 290784
  • Handling of organizer field being empty in Exchange
    Bug 295878
  • Error with appointment sync with Exchange 2013
    Bug 297202

Version (December 8, 2021)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0006.0001 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version, and

  • Automatic handling of newly assigned resources in Resource Central
    New 248835
  • LDAPS support
    New 254989
  • Batch processing of RC Reminder emails
    New 277057
  • SQL SSL encryption
    New 191525

Version (October 7, 2021)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.2.0006.0001 and onwards
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version, and

  • Reservation migration issue on recurring meetings
    Bug 286505
  • Issue when sync group in on-premise setup
    Bug 287020

Version (August 23, 2021)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.1 & 4.2 all versions
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version, and

  • Improved Resource Data Sync performance
    Feature 275570
  • Group sync results in memory leak
    Bug 273383
  • Long fullsync due to series with no end date (18161, 18232, 18606)
    Bug 277906, 279012, 280621
  • WTC sync issue
    Bug 279012
  • 277060, 277905
    Minor bugs

Version (June 17, 2021)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.1 & 4.2 all versions
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version, and

  • Support of Resource Central History
    Feature 250817, 254595, 258737, 264662
  • Support of integration with Digital Sign System
    Feature 258885, 263443, 263910, 267489
  • File Attachments when sending e-mails (Financial reports sent as emails in SaaS env.)
    Feature 239300
  • Changes to the use of BusyStatus Deleted, Declined and Free
    Feature 173161
  • Improvements to Full Sync
    Feature 129581
  • Resource Data Synch - Physical-Delivery-Office-Name
    Feature 250850
  • Decline and accept of resource reservations
    Feature 248786
  • Appointments filtered out if Skip date is between Start and End date of the appointment
    Bug 251335
  • Custom Autodiscover URL issue
    Bug 259602
  • Removal of different calendar events
    Bug 253416
  • Error searching for EWS URL (16997)
    Bug 259598
  • Incorrect busystatus in Exchange Central (17143)
    Bug 264624

Version (December 3, 2020)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.1 & 4.2 all versions
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08 and 5.10
(EC) version, and

  • New System logos
    New 253632
  • New Certificate
    New 253545
  • New Activation key
    New 254174
  • Issue with resource email-address starting with +
    Bug 253832
  • Performance improvements towards Exchange Central
    Bug 251331
  • Series - Change scenarios where deleted appointment are not removed from Resource Central
    Bug 250070
  • Minor bugs
    Bug 254583 & 254627

Version (October 27, 2020)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-7, 4.1 & 4.2 all versions
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version,,,

  • Separate Group synch and Resource data synch from Full synchronize process
    New 235506
  • Get body of appointment in HTML type
    New 236070
  • Setting reminder when create/update appointment
    New 236066
  • RTS API for search user information with search mark
    New 236424
  • Enhanced logging of missing impersonation rights when using Booking Manager
    New 236567
  • Invalid watermark resulting in frequent resubscriptions and stalling processing of notifications
    Bug 217550/249786
  • User search must not include Guests, resources and deleted accounts
    Bug 226851
  • Improvements of save time for Exchange Server Settings
    Bug 239016
  • Deadlock in Room & facility equipment
    Bug 237673
  • EC appointment duplications on series
    Bug 242818
  • Minor bugs
    Bugs 190025, 222173, 235502, 248683, 249812

Version (August 17, 2020)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-7 & 4.1 all versions
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version,,,

  • Exchange Web Services - Modern authentication
    New 172001
  • Configuration option for available connections to Exchange Server
    New 240410
  • Remove group and resource data sync. process initiation when Synchronization is disabled
    New 242159

Version (May 7, 2020)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-7 & 4.1 all versions
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version,,,,,

  • Synchronize Resource Active Directory and Exchange values to Resource Central
    New 203592
  • Microsoft SQL 2019 Support
  • Meeting was booked in a channel of MS Teams cannot update via Booking Manager
    Bug 232724
  • Multiple tenants - cannot search for Groups on Onpremise Exchange
    Bug 232747

Version (February 12, 2020)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-7 & 4.1 all versions
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version,,,,,

  • Missing new location when moving an appointment with Booking Manager
    Bug 222994

Version (January 30, 2020)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-7 & 4.1 all versions
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version,,,,,

  • Removed Exchange Central groups from Group sync
    Bug 221834
  • Skip appointments - Meeting changes updates skipped occurrence
    Bug 218402
  • Group sync when full syncing single resource
    New 220207
  • Deletion of historical series if changing resources
    Bug 218027
  • Minor bug fixes
    Bugs 214387, 214398, 219562

Version (December 9, 2019)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-7 & 4.1 all versions
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version,,,,

  • Missing decline on cancelled occurences
    Bug 217549
  • "Full sync - skip older than" declines series when remaining occurences change
    Bug 217635 & 218144
  • On-Premise: failing to get impersonation for some resources
    Bug 215023

Version (November 20, 2019)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-7 & 4.1 all versions
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version,,,,

  • Exchange Central suppressing of organizer field on private meetings
    Bug 209258
  • Occasional deadlock in initiation process when adding rooms
    Bug 214717, 215113
  • Exchange Online AD group search can exceeding throttling policy
    Bug 216960
  • GetUID error in mixed Resource and Exchange Central environments
    Bug 217127

Version (October 31, 2019)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-7 & 4.1 all versions
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version,,,,

  • Resource Central Permission support
    New 182626, 204108
  • New person search function returning AD properties
    New 180922
  • Custom Autodiscover URL .com, .de, .cn
    New 195791, 202468
  • On-premise - No email is received when booking a resource
    Bug 196571, 196276
  • Full sync started every night at midnight
    Bug 193351
  • Not able to add password inside RTM
    Bug 190025
  • Optimize name search from Active Directory
    Bug 181296
  • Subscription issue - X-AnchorMailbox solution
    Bug 196062
  • Could not add resource into the 'Room and facility equipment'
    Bug 203981, 212964
  • Minor bug fixes
    Bug 193317, 212964, 204111, 204153, 214339

Version (April 24, 2019)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-7 & 4.1 RTM, Hotfix 1 and Service Release 1-2
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version,, 5,01,11,0005 and

  • RTS support of Exchange and Windows Server 2019
    New 184046
  • Domain sync does not always pick up changes
    Fixed 148319
  • Azure AD lost Authorized when registering new RTS app
    Fixed 182997
  • Issues with setting Rich Description to plain text when moving appointment in Booking Manager
    Fixed 182838
  • Recurring meetings out of sync with room calendar due to "Sync meeting responses"-bug
    Fixed 190848
  • Subscription issue - Failed to get default calendar for user
    Fixed 191791
  • GetADUserProperties function failed when RTS configured multiple domains
    Fixed 192209
  • Send mail error with resource that has changed general email in AD
    Fixed 193406
  • Change resource in Booking Manager failed in Exchange 2013
    Fixed 194008
  • Error message "Booking not saved" when removing resource in Booking Manager
    Fixed 192281/82
  • 185875, 190006, 191129, 192096, 192793, 192804
    Minor bug fixes

Version (February 5, 2019)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-7 & 4.1 RTM, Hotfix 1 and Service Release 1-2
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version,, 5,01,11,0005 and

  • Removal of Synchronization of "Declined" reservations.
    Fixed 190042
  • Removal of heartbeat notifications in logs
    Fixed 190003
  • Permission sync failure for random resources
    Fixed 189898

Version 6.6.12 (December 14, 2018)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-5 & 4.1 RTM and 4.1 Service Release 1
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version,, 5,01,11,0005 and

  • Connect third party applications to Exchange using RTS
    New 107043
  • Function to get Set-calendarprocessing parameters
    New 107936
  • Full sync - Skip push notifications historical appointments
    New 167470
  • Azure AD connection through Azure Active Directory PowerShell
    New 165665
  • Heart beat signal on EWS communication status in RTS
    New 133338
  • Error when searching for user
    Fixed 176344, 178269
  • Search for Resource or Group with #
    Fixed 174916
  • Minor bug fixes
    147990, 155309, 166413, 176329

Version 6.4.41 (September 4, 2018)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12 and 12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-7 & 4.1 RTM and 4.1 Service Release 1
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version,,, 5,01,11,0005 and

  • TLS 1.2 support
    New 166575
  • TLS 1.0 and 1.1
  • Option "skip appointments older than (days)" for Resource Central
    Fixed 148130
  • Automatic start of Full Sync
    Fixed 166514, 167029
  • JSON javascriptserializer. The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxjsonlength property.
    Fixed 173341

Version 6.4.35 (May 18, 2018)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-5 & 4.1 RTM and 4.1 Service Release 1
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.30,,,,, 5,01,11,0005 and

  • Error starting activity notifications, Invalid URI: The URI is empty
    Fixed 120928
  • Transaction was deadlocked during full sync
    Fixed 134706
  • Error searching for EWS URL
    Fixed 161183
  • 'User' is not a valid value for MailboxTypeType
    Fixed 159652
  • Booking Manager & Moving appointment problem"A time zone with the specified ID could not be found"
    Fixed 158076
  • Error loading occurrences for appointment 'Auditapplications backup' : The operation has timed out
    Fixed 167516

Version (December 12, 2017)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-5
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.30,,, and

  • Stops synchronizing to database
    Bug fixes 146628, 147801, 144918

Version (November 2, 2017)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3-5
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.30,,, and

  • API function: return configurable AD property on user - on premise
    New 133576
  • Attendee look up function improved performance
    New 140442, 141673
  • Transaction was deadlocked
    Fixed 134706
  • Occurrence not deleted in RC when series is deleted
    Fixed 141288
  • 147804 and 148427
    Minor bug fixes

Version (July 6, 2017)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8 Hotfix 11-12, 4.0 Service releases 1-4 and Hotfix 3
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.30,,, and

  • Increased loggin functionality
    New 134913
  • Added missing certificate

Version (June 14, 2017)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 4.0 service release 1, 2 and 3 and Hotfix 3
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.30,,, and

  • New field on private meetings
    New 124023
  • GetGlobalAddressList throws exception for some masks
    New 122726

Version (February 27, 2017)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8, version 3.8 Hotfix 1 - 8, version 3.8 Service Release 1 and 2, version 4.0 and hotfix 1 - 2
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.07 and version 5.08
Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.30,,, and

  • An item with the same key has already been added.
    Fixed 99722
  • Tentative appointments are not deleted
    Fixed 107042

Version (November 3, 2016)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.7.10 Service Release 2, version 3.8, version 3.8 Hotfix 1 - 6, version 3.8 Service Release 1 and 2, version 4.0 and hotfix 1 - 2
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.06 and version 5.07
Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.30,, and

  • Deadlock errors when running full synch
    Fixed 75724
  • User was not found, Exception error
    Fixed 75727
  • The specified server version is invalid
    Fixed 85736
  • (RC) Booking manager not working correctly
    Fixed 94231
  • Various minor bug changes
    Fixed 94748, 94763, 94764, 94765
  • Support for SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2
  • Support for Windows Server 2008

Version (July 21, 2016)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.7 Service Release 2, version 3.8 and version 3.8 Hotfix 1 - 5
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.05; version 5.06 and version 5.07
Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.30,, and

  • Error saving and using new license
    Fixed 72973, 72820, 74109
  • Office 365 Mail transport issues
    Fixed 75728, 75759
  • GetUserAvailabilityEvents does not show Working-elsewhere status correctly when reading from Exchange Online (Office 365)
    Fixed 79317, 79840
  • (EC) Exchange filter issue, appointment not cancelled in ExchangeCentral database if "skip appointments older then (days) enabled
    Fixed 79601
  • Error message "The specified server version is invalid" has been removed
    Fixed 81892
  • Instance validation error: 'GroupMailbox' is not a valid value for MailboxTypeType.
    Fixed 81894

Version (April 28, 2016)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8.0001.0256 and version 3.8 Hotfix 1 - 5
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.05.0001.0015, 5.06.0000.0005 and 5.07.0000.0015
Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.19, 4.1.22, 4.1.30, and

  • Demo mode on new installs only allowed 1-day trial
    Fix 72820

Version (March 15, 2016)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.8.0001.0256 and version 3.8 Hotfix 1 - 5
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.05.0001.0015, 5.06.0000.0005 and 5.07.0000.0015
Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.19, 4.1.22 and 4.1.30

  • Added new features to the Calendar Service API
    New 8684, 35986, 55634
  • Activation key introduced
    New 28115, 56555
  • Support for Private Appointments in ResourceBookingWebApp
    New 28967 (RBWA)
  • Support for SQL 2016
    New 69213
  • Improved handling of calendar permissions
    Fixed 31520 (RC)
  • Improved utilization of Exchange Autodiscover
    Fixed 53662
  • Improved how to save a configuration
    Fixed 46336, 66163
  • Improved resolving of login credentials
    Fixed 55615 (RBWA)
  • Could not send email for a certain user
    Fixed 64967 (RC)
  • User Guide version
  • Installation Guide version

Version (August 18, 2015)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.7.0010.0092 Service Release 1, 3.7.0010.0110 Service Release 2 and 3.8.0001.0256
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.00.0008.0008, 5.02.0009.0009, 5.03.0004.0004, 5.04.0006.0035 and 5.05.0001.0015
Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.10, 4.1.19, 4.1.22 and 4.1.30

  • “Skip appointments older than…” does not modify appointments outside set time window anymore
    New 36685 (RC)
  • Internal memory handling improved
    Fixed 35986, 36707
  • Domain push notifications could stop without a reason
    Fixed 37952
  • On a few configurations the RealTime Manger could not start the RealTime service
    Fixed 39732, 39839

Version (June 16, 2015)

Compliant with the following products:
Resource Central (RC) version 3.7.0010.0092 Service Release 1 and 3.7.0010.0110 Service Release 2
WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.00.0008.0008, 5.02.0009.0009 and 5.03.0004.0004
Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.10, 4.1.19, 4.1.22 and 4.1.30

  • This RealTime Service version requires a new license file

    • Periodic AD sync. feature
      New 16912, 28604
    • Calendar service API available for licensees
      New 18761
    • Include option to stop email flow (relevant for Resource Central 3.8)
      New 20422 (RC)
    • Introduce SendMail Calendar Service logging (relevant for Resource Central 3.8)
      New 20423 (RC)
    • Added Calendar service logging
      New 21245, 21352
    • Added search/filter under the Calendar synchronization status
      New 26868, 28962
    • Now does a "shadow" re-subscription to Exchange/AD before Exchange/AD connection time out
      New 28265, 28605
    • Clear Exchange and Domain controller error when connection is reestablished
      New 30130
    • Improved handling when attempting to sync. corrupt Exchange appointments
      Fixed 16606
    • Appointment change not reflected in database if room is added to two sections in RTS
      Fixed 18528, 19636
    • Click on Close button under Calendar sync. status returned an error
      Fixed 28954
    • Improved permissions performance
      Fixed 31594
    • Scheduled Domain controller sync. stopped automatically
      Fixed 33651
    • User Guide
  • Version (March 2, 2015)

  • Compliant with the following products:
    Resource Central (RC) version 3.7.0010
    WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.00.0008.0008, 5.02.0009.0009 and 5.03.0004.0004
    Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.7, 4.1.10, 4.1.19, 4.1.22 and 4.1.30

    • Connection to Office 365/Exchange Online could not be established
      Fixed 21497
  • Version (September 24, 2014)

  • Compliant with the following products:
    Resource Central (RC) version 3.7.0010
    WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.00.0008.0008, 5.02.0009.0009 and 5.03.0004.0004
    Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.7, 4.1.10, 4.1.19, 4.1.22 and 4.1.30

    • Upgrade tool - limit time scope
      New 1600
    • Changed Filter function to do filtering before getting data from Exchange server
      New 7452
    • Implement user interface feature for configuring improved sync. speed
      New 10933
    • Removed documentation folder under RealTime Service installation folder
      New 11251
    • (WTC) Send email functionality
      New 11271
    • Moved Calendar status to main RealTime Manager user interface
      New 13864
    • File level log cleanup - fixed bug with absent settings file
      Fixed 6213
    • Returned wrong result for attendees in UTC+7 time zone
      Fixed 6352
    • Filter function in sync ignored a few recurring appointments (which it should not)
      Fixed 7451
    • Removed unnecessary check: Error message from RealTime Manager after click test button: The Impersonation principal name is invalid
      Fixed 8851
    • RealTime Service calendar Service logging enabled
      Fixed 8794
    • (RC) Did not notify in cases under very heavy load
      Fixed 10827
    • (RC) In a few cases inserted reservations to Resource Central Database without Attendee value
      Fixed 11208
    • Possible leaked connection by RealTime Service
      Fixed 11252
    • (WTC) Could not create appointment with high/low priority
      Fixed 12043
    • Removed rare RealTime Service CalendarService exception
      Fixed 12126
    • Failed on a calendar with appointment missing start time
      Fixed 13814
    • (WTC) The "Create" button was not available in the database section of WebTeam Central
      Fixed 13859
    • Office 365 user interface controls in RealTime Manager should be enabled by default
      Fixed 14544
  • Version (August 27, 2014)

  • Compliant with the following products:
    Resource Central (RC) version 3.7.0004 and 3.7.0010
    WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.00.0008.0008, 5.02.0009.0009 and 5.03.0004.0004
    Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.17, 4.1.10, 4.1.19 and 4.1.22

    • Removed unnecessary check: Error message from RealTime Manager after click test button: The Impersonation principal name is invalid
      Fixed 8851
    • Cannot create appointment with high/low priority via API
      Fixed 12043
    • RTS sometime insert Reservations to RC DB without Attendee value
      Fixed 13375 (RC)
  • Version (July 8, 2014)

  • Compliant with the following products:
    Resource Central (RC) version 3.7.0010.0033
    WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.00.0008.0008, 5.02.0009.0009 and 5.03.0004.0004
    Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.17, 4.1.10, 4.1.19 and 4.1.22

    • 5750 (RC) Exchange Online (Office 365 Enterprise E3) support for Resource Central
    • 10934: Improved full sync performance
    • String or Binary data would be truncated for corrupt appointments
      Fixed 6266
    • Confusing log message about No Mailbox Server revised
      Fixed 8579
    • Start field is not specified stopped RTS service
      Fixed 8701
    • Conflict removed when doing concurrent full sync and ordinary bookings
      Fixed 8734
    • 10485: Removed confusing logging entry about throttling
    • 7450, 8702: In some cases date-time values two hours wrong if DB connection lost
    • 8703: Service hang if service account credentials expired
  • Version (February 11, 2014)

  • Compliant with the following products:
    Resource Central (RC) version 3.7.0004.0005; 3.7 hotfix 1; 3.7 hotfix 2 and 3.7.0004.0008 hotfix 3
    WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.00.0008.0008, 5.02.0009.0009 and 5.03.0004.0004
    Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.7, 4.1.10 and 4.1.19

    • (EC) Exchange Online (Office 365 Enterprise E3) support for Exchange Central
    • (RC)  Support for the upcoming ResourceBooking Web App
      New 3633
    • 1643 (RC): Handling of very long appointment strings improved
    • 1663; 1592; 2202; 2234; 2268 (RC) Various minor problems have been fixed
    • 2194 (RC): Upgrade tool terminated for some booking done by a third party tool
    • 3491; 3658; 3655 (WTC) Various minor problems have been fixed
    • 5092 (RC): Performance improved when handling recurring bookings
    • 5124 (RC): Performance improved when adding resources to a booking
  • Version (November 14, 2013)

  • Compliant with the following products:
    Resource Central (RC) version 3.7.0004.0005
    WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.00.0008.0008, 5.02.0009.0009 and 5.03.0004.0004
    Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.7 and 4.1.10

    • (RC) functionality added to support Resource Central version 3.7
    • RTS could not handle Exchange 2013 mailboxes in case CAS and MBX are different servers
      Fixed 3007
    • (RC) Various minor problems have been fixed
  • Version (September 17, 2013)

  • Compliant with the following products:
    Resource Central (RC) version 3.6.0001.0017
    WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.00.0008.0008, 5.02.0009.0009 and 5.03.0004.0004
    Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.7 and 4.1.10

    • (RC) Avoid Curley Bracket in Appointment ID as parameter in config file named 'AvoidCurleyBacketAppointments'
      Fixed 2722/2234
    • (RC) Delete and re-create appointment after twice of full synchronization
      Fixed 2091
    • (RC) An item with the same key has already been added
      Fixed 1592
    • (RC) Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      Fixed 1663
    • (RC) Error when running Upgrade Tool
      Fixed 2194
    • (RC) String or binary data would be truncated
      Fixed 1643
    • (RC) Full Sync: Do not update some records to "Deleted" when doing full synchronization without running Upgrade Tool before
      Fixed 2202
    • (RC) Double Bookings
      Fixed 2234
    • (RC/WTC) Active Directory full sync progress always displays 2% then jumps to 100% when finished
      Fixed 2340
    • (RC) Show error message when doing Full Sync
      Fixed 2268
    • (RC) Delete local storage file when upgrading
      Fixed 2259
  • Version (April 23, 2013)

  • Compliant with the following products:
    Resource Central (RC) version 3.5.0008.0000
    WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.00.0008.0008
    Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.7 and 4.1.10

    • Implemented ability to disable calendar permissions synchronization for particular product
    • Expanding RC database and local storage fields: RC.Reservations.ExchangeURL, RC.Reservations.UID, RC.Reservations.GlobalID
    • (RC) Added index for Reservations.UID field
    • (RC) fixed deadlocking on simultaneous insertion of new reservations (re-running transaction up to 20 times)
    • Permissions processing which were producing duplicated entries for organizers added to more than one group
    • Updated guides to match version
  • Version (April 10, 2013)

  • Compliant with the following products:
    Resource Central (RC) version 3.5.0008.0000 WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.00.0008.0008 Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.7 and 4.1.10

    • (RC) ability to fix missing CleanGlobalObjectID/GlobalObjectID appointment fields, disabled by default, setting can be found on RealTime Service > General settings page
    • (RC DB upgrade) Error processing reservations with NULL Name field
    • (RC) Fixed deadlocking on simultaneous insertion of new reservations
    • (RC) Using resource's email as organizer's email if latter is missing to store such appointments in database
  • Version (February 20, 2013)

  • Compliant with the following products:
    Resource Central (RC) version 3.5.0008.0000 WebTeam Central (WTC) version 5.00.0008.0008 Exchange Central (EC) version 4.1.7 and 4.1.10

    • [RC] Configurable delay for processing of appointment deletion events
  • Version (February 8, 2013)

    • [RC] Fixed error filtering reservations with NULL UID field in database
    • [RC] Issue with re-creation of the series in database on first full sync after running upgrade tool
    • [RC DB tool] Issues creating missing reservations for appointment occurrences
  • Version (January 30, 2013)

    • [RC] Removing resources from ResourcesRTS table when they are no longer used for RC
    • [RC DB tool] Skipping appointments with empty GlobalObjectID/CleanGlobalObjectID fields
    • [RC DB tool] Creating missing reservations for recurring appointment occurrences
    • [RC DB tool] Issue with upgrading orphaned meeting instances represented by non-recurring appointments (using start/end dates to distinguish them)
  • Version (January 14, 2013)

    • Initial release of version 6
    • Improved performance
    • Improved monitor functionality
    • Improved stability and support for larger and more complex Microsoft environments
    • Support for Exchange Server 2007 & 2010
    • Support for SQL Server 2005, 2008 & 2012
    • New administrator interface
    • One manager interface can maintain several distributed windows services
  • Version (April 22, 2012)

    • Various issues have been fixed in connection with synchronization
  • Version (April 12, 2011)

    • Support for Exchange 2010 and 2007
  • Version (January 27, 2010)

    • Support for SQLXML 4.0 SP1
    • RealTimeAgentQueue.exe with parameters
  • Version (April 3, 2009)

    • Enabled WTC5 in RealTime Manager
    • Recurrent appointments generator has been optimized
    • RealTime Manager issue with unhandled exception on start
    • Public Folders subject issue
    • Cross-domain issue with skipping users for EC store
    • Bug with wrong period handling for monthly and year appointments
  • Version (September 23, 2008)

    • SQL database create scripts has been changed in order to support _BIN and _CS collations on server
  • Version (May 23, 2008)

    • configuring recurring appointment generator in RTS
  • Version 4.1.831.1 (September 22, 2008)

    • SQL database create scripts has been changed in order to support _BIN and _CS collations on server
  • Version 4.1.775.2 (June 12, 2008)

    • handle wrong end dates
  • Version 4.1.755.0 (May 23, 2008)

    • configuring recurring appointment generator in RTS
  • Version 4.1.669.1 (April 25, 2008)

    • Memory leak
  • Version 4.1.665.1 (January 2, 2008)

    • RTA issues on Exchange 2007 SP1
  • Version 4.1.648.1 (December 4, 2007)

    • new or changed users not active
  • Version 4.1.604.2 (October 3, 2007)

    • bulk insert issue
  • Version 4.1.584.1 (September 5, 2007)

    • No changes done
  • Version 4.1.549.1 (August 16, 2007)

    • No changes done
  • Version 4.1.539.1 (June 2, 2007)

    • Improved, Recurring appointment generator accuracy
  • Version 4.1.507.2 (May 15, 2007)

    • Fixed, Exchange Central database updating issue has been fixed
    • Fixed, Access versions of databases has been updated
  • Version 4.1.445.2 (February 12, 2007)

    • Improved, Disable period for RTS can be set across midnight
    • Fixed, Category colors issue for recurring appointments has been Fixed
    • End date issue for weekly recurrent patterns has been fixed
    • Fixed, Incorrect NY handling in weekly recurring patterns has been fixed
  • Version 4.1.418.1 (January 8, 2007)

    • New, New tab "Options" has been added to Exchange Central product configuration in RTM.
    • New table has been added to SQL version of EC database
    • New, New category filtering rules has been implemented. From now old filtering is not supported.
    • Improved, Active Directory query performance has been improved
    • New, New dialog has been added in RTM, now user is able to choose RTA registration behavior during synchronization (None/Register failed/Register all)
    • Fixed, Attachments copying to PF for private appointments has been fixed
    • New, RealTime Service has been refactored. Now MAPI library can be started as independent process
  • Version 4.1.317.2 (August 1, 2007)

    • Improved, Active Directory access methods has been refactored
    • Fixed, Problems with SQL Windows integrated authentication has been fixed
    • Fixed, Problem with copied appointments inside public folders has been fixed
    • New, Product version number has been changed to 4.1. The build number remains the same
    • New, Custom RTA option "MachineName" has been added in order to support clustered Exchange Server configuration
    • New, Monitoring of mailboxes located on different Exchange Servers inside single Exchange Organization has been added
    • New, Monitoring of users located on different Active Directory domains has been added
    • New, New filed named "Domain" has been added to the EC database in order to support multi-domain environment
    • New, RealTime Service and WebTeam Central databases has been changed in order to support multi-exchange/domain environment
    • New, RealTime Agent has been changed in order to support multi-exchange servers environment
    • New, Prevention of RealTime Service start-up groups synchronization has been added (blockgroupsync file)
    • New, Installer images has been updated, documentation has been reviewed.
    • Fixed, Fix for big number of Exchange 5.5 groups
    • Fixed, Fixes for Public Folders filtering
    • New, Support of Windows NT4 based domains has been added
    • New, Group ACL permissions processing has been added
    • Improved, Behavior of RTM default public group option has been changed
    • Fixed, Thread operations has been improved
    • Fixed, Additional error handling has been added
    • New, SQL2005 support has been added
    • Improved, RTS ISG troubleshooting section has been updated with workaround for "Failed to load resources problem"
    • Improved, CPU usage has been decreased
    • Fixed, Correct handling of expired user accounts has been added
    • Warnings for features not allowed by license has been removed
      Improved, Real Time Manager
    • Fixed, Issue of large Users list access for Exchange 5.5 has been fixed
    • Fixed, The issue of incorrect handling of appointment copying
    • Fixed, The issue of missed appointments has been fixed
    • Fixed, RTS behavior with EC database has been changed. Now User Mail Alias saved into both EC->Calendar Name and EC->Alias columns
    • New, Incorrect appointment recurrence pattern handling has been added
    • New, Cluster support implemented
    • Fixed, Special characters correctly handled during bulk insert
    • Fixed, Handling of special characters encoding has been fixed
    • Fixed, User information updating fixed
    • Fixed, Problem with the Subject field which occurred when private appointment is replicated into Public Folders has been fixed
    • Fixed, WTC Database cleanup fixed
    • Fixed, Invalid mail address for error reporting fixed
    • Fixed, Corrupted license handling in RTM has been fixed
    • Improved, Way of Distribution Lists retrieving from Exchange 5.5 has been changed. Performance significantly increased
    • Fixed, Wrong LDAP server name resolving has been fixed
    • Fixed, Installation of RTA on Small Business Server 2000 has been fixed
    • Fixed, Appointments removing in real-time mode has been fixed
    • Improved, From now user cannot start more than one instance of the RTA admin tool, RTS admin tool and RTA unregister tool
  • Version 

    • LDAP Server port number field added to the RTM->Common->Exchange Server tab
    • From now RTS and WTG service starts to use SqlXml component. To run these services you need following component to be installed SQLxml.
    • Database commands queue tab implemented in RTM
    • Database command queue implemented in RTS and RTS Configuration database
    • Way of Distribution Lists retrieving from Exchange 5.5 has been changed. Performance significantly increased
    • Domain_Delete stored procedure in RTS configuration database has been changed
    • Special characters encoding fixed
    • User information updating fixed
    • Problem with the Subject field which occurred when private appointment is replicated into Public Folders has been fixed
    • WTC Database cleanup fixed
    • Invalid mail address for error reporting fixed
    • Corrupted license handling in RTM has been fixed
    • Wrong LDAP server name resolving has been fixed
    • Installation of RTA on Small Business Server 2000 has been fixed
    • Appointments removing in real-time mode has been fixed
    • RTM: Database clearing operation has been fixed
    • License upload to Access configuration database has been fixed
    • WTC license processing has been fixed
    • Incorrect appointment deleting from EC database, for users which has been removed from monitored group has been fixed
    • Incorrect handling of changes in recurring meeting time has been fixed
  • Version 4.0.0 

    • Initial release
  • Version 3.0.0 (March 23, 2005)

    • Initial release
  • Version 2.5.025 (March 9, 2004)

    • Consistency Check options improved to reset LastEvent value on Recipient records to actual date and time.n error" and "variable not found...
    • Faster program startup
    • Two internal program timers reduced to one timer - eliminating possible conflicts.
    • Now logging entries to windows event log as "RealTime Service", not "vbRuntime"
  • Version 2.5.001 (September 10, 2003)

    • Prepare full sync. on next activation
    • Run database consistency check
    • Export log file to disk
    • Handling of problems in appointment fields TimeCreated and TimeLastModified
    • (1050) Subscript out of range

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